
  1. Klenova, A. V., Chelysheva, E. V.,Vasilieva, N. A., Volodin, I. A., & Volodina, E. V. (2023). Acoustic features of long-distance calls of wild cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) are linked to the caller age from newborns to adults. Ethology, 00, 1–18.
  2. Chelysheva, E. V., Klenova, A. V.,Volodin, I. A., & Volodina, E. V. (2023). Advertising sex and individual identity by long-distance chirps in wild-living mature cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Ethology, 129, 288–300. h t t p s : //
  3. Elena V. Chelysheva and Jeffrey Wu. «The Power of Unity. A Story of Coexistence, Tolerance, Dominance and Consequences.» Africa Geographic. October 22, 2020
  4. Linden DW, Green DS, Chelysheva EV, Mandere SM, Dloniak SM. Challenges and opportunities in population monitoring of cheetahs. Population Ecology. 2020;1–12.
  5. Chelysheva E.V. 2018. Brotherhood of Strangers. SWARA :July-September 2018.Willey-Blackwell with East African Wildlife Society. P. 24-29.
  6. Wachter B., Broekhuis F., Melzheimer J., Horgan J, Chelysheva E.V., Marker L., Mills G., Caro T. 2017a. Behavior and Communication of Free-Ranging Cheetahs. Ch9. In: Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes. Series edited by Philip J. Nyhus, Volume editor: Laurie Marker, Lorraine K. Boast, Anne Schmidt-Kuentzel. Elsevier Science Publishing. P. 121 -134.
  7. Boast L.K, Chelysheva E.V., van der Merwe V., Schmidt-Küntzel A.,Walker E.H., Cilliers D., Gusset M., Marker L. 2017b. Cheetah Translocation and Reintroduction Programs: Past, Present, and Future. Ch 20. In: Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes. Series edited by Philip J. Nyhus, Volume editor: Laurie Marker, Lorraine K. Boast, Anne Schmidt-Kuentzel. Elsevier Science Publishing. P.275-289.
  8. Broekhuis F., Bissett C, Chelysheva E.V. 2017c. Field Methods for Visual and Remote Monitoring of the Cheetah Ch 32 In: Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes. Series edited by Philip J. Nyhus, Volume editor: Laurie Marker, Lorraine K. Boast, Anne Schmidt-Kuentzel. Elsevier Science Publishing. P.447-455.
  9. Van der Meer E., Broekhuis F., Chelysheva E.V., Wykstra M., Davies-Mostert H.T. 2017d. Citizen Science in Cheetah Research Ch 34 In: Cheetahs: Biology and Conservation: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes. Series edited by Philip J. Nyhus, Volume editor: Laurie Marker, Lorraine K. Boast, Anne Schmidt-Kuentzel. Elsevier Science Publishing. P.471 -482.
  10. Chelysheva E.V. 2015a. The aims and success criteria of carnivore relocations: a case study of cheetah. In:  Proceeding of the international workshop on rehabilitation and reintroduction of large carnivores. Moscow, November 2015. KMK Scientific Press, Pp. 134-135. (in Russian)
  11. Chelysheva E.V. 2015b. A brief history of Cheetah relocations and assessing the success of relocation projects. In n Proceeding of the international workshop on rehabilitation and reintroduction of large carnivores. Moscow, November 2015. KMK Scientific Press, Pp.30-31. (in Russian)
  12. Chelysheva E.V. 2015c. Behavior of released cheetahs. In n Proceeding of the international workshop on rehabilitation and reintroduction of large carnivores. Moscow, November 2015. KMK Scientific Press, Pp.114-115. (in Russian)
  13. Chelysheva E. V., 2015d. Losers or Survivors – SWARA January-March 2015. Pp:39-43.
  14. Chelysheva E.V. 2015e. Cheetah In: Smirin V.M. Portrets of animals of Northern Eurasia. Carnivores: Science and Art for Ecological Education. Eds. Oleksenko A.I., Zimenko A.V. М Publishing house of the Biodiversity Conservation Center. Pp. 366-385. (in Russian)
  15. Chelysheva E.V., Zimenko A.V. 2015. Family Felidae. In: Smirin V.M. Portrets of animals of Northern Eurasia. Carnivores: Science and Art for Ecological Education. Eds. Oleksenko A.I., Zimenko A.V. М Publishing house of the Biodiversity Conservation Center. Pp. 302-307.
  16. Chelysheva E.V. 2011. Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Reintroduction – 46 years of Translocations // Scientific Research at Zoological Parks. Moscow 2011 (27): 135-179 (in Russian) Translated into English by Chelysheva E.V.
  17. Chelysheva E.V.  2010.Principles of Keeping and Breeding of Cheetahs in Zoos and Breeding Centers. // The maintenance and cultivation of mammal’s rare species in zoos and breeding stations. 2010. Pp.158-190. (in Russian)
  18. Chelysheva E.V. 2008. Methods of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Feeding Optimal for Animal Well-being in Captivity // VETCORM (Magazine Veterinary and Feeding). 2008 (2): 22-25 (in Russian)
  19. Chelysheva E.V., Kuznetcov V2008.  Influence of tourists’ presence on cheetah behavior // Natural and Technical Sciences 2008 2(34): 132-141(in Russian) Translated into English by Chelysheva E.V.
  20. Chelysheva E.V. 2006a. Specifics of Keeping and Feeding of the Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) in Captivity. // FEEDING OF THE WILD ANIMALS – Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums, 2006:112-120 (in Russian)
  21. Chelysheva E.V. 2006b. Specifics of Keeping of the Cheetah in Captivity // Status of Habitat and Fauna of Game Animals in Russia // Russian Scientific-practical Conference. Moscow 28-29 February 2008 // Moscow.2008.P. 267-272 (in Russian)
  22. Chelysheva E.V. 2006c. Specifics of Social Behavior of the Cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in the Wild and in Captivity: on the Issue of the Optimization of Keeping Conditions. // CARNIVORES AND MARINE MAMMALS IN CAPTIVITY – Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums. 2006: 32-62 (in Russian)
  23. Chelysheva E.V. 2006d. The Role of Education in Conservation. A case from Cheetah Conservation Fund (ССF) work in Africa // Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (RGAZU) Bulletin // Moscow. 2006.P. 187-191 (in Russian)
  24. Chelysheva E.V., 2005. Universal Runner. EKZO October 2005. P.6-15 (in Russian)
  25. Chelysheva E.V. Felid Identification with Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)as an Example // Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (RGAZU) Bulletin// 2004. P. 127-129.
  26. Chelysheva E. V. 2004. A New Approach to Cheetah Identification.// CAT NEWS, Autumn, 2004. № 41. Р.27-29.
  27. Chelysheva E.V. 2000. From Moscow to Namibia. A 20-year Journey. // Cheetah Conservation Fund Newsletter, Namibia: 2000. Vol.13,p.4
  28. Aliskerova (Chelysheva) E.V. 1995a. Cheetahs in the Wild. A review // Scientific Research at Zoological Parks. Moscow . N5, pp 118-171 (in Russian)
  29. Aliskerova (Chelysheva) E.V.1995b. Cheetahs in the Moscow Zoo. // Scientific Research at Zoological Parks. Moscow  N5, pp 172-221 (in Russian)
  30. Aliskerova (Chelysheva) E.V. 1994. The Experience of the Cheetah cubs’ (Acinonyx jubatus) hand-rearing in White Oak Conservation Centre (Florida, USA). // Scientific Research at Zoological Parks. Moscow 1994. N4, pp 61-69 (in Russian)
  31. Chelysheva E.V. 1993. Observation on the Birth of Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and attempt of raising the cub in Moscow Zoo // Scientific Research at Zoological Parks. Moscow  N3, pp 49-61 (in Russian)