Due to the fact that the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem has no physical barriers to the movement of animals, new cheetahs appear in the Mara every few months – most often males, in the process of exploring new territories. During migration, cheetahs come to the Mara following wildebeest and other ungulates. Cheetahs that come from Serengeti are usually very shy, unlike the cheetahs of the Mara, who are tolerant of the activity of tourist cars. Our long-term observations have shown that to be successful in the Mara (resting, hunting and raising young in peace), cheetahs must be tolerant of tourist vehicles. This September, a new coalition of two very shy males appeared in the Mara Triangle. It is interesting that the maximum number of cheetahs observed in the Triangle in different years is 10. Perhaps the reason is the carrying capacity of this Conservancy. Hopefully, these males will be able to enrich the gene pool of the Mara cheetah population.